before the sun goes down

"Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God: and let the LORD do that which is good in His sight" (I Chronicles 19:13).

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Every Little Minute

Are you bored with your life, little man?
Would you like to seek for justice in this land?
Would you like to be a hero in the street?
Rescue the defenseless and the weak?

Think of every little minute
Two small babies murdered in it
Go and speak for the oppressed
And let Jesus do the rest.
Get your pamphlets, signs, open your mouth today?
Read the Bible, love your neighbor, and obey.

Are you tired with your play, little girl?
Would you like to make a difference in this world?
In the darkness you can boldly shine the Light,
And have mercy on those precious in His sight.


Do you ever stop to think, Dad and Mom?
That the Pro Life Movement has been very wrong?
To regulate the murder is a sin--
It is grievous to the Maker of all men.


Live pure! Speak true! Right wrong!  A-M-B-A!

[Twice adapted: by the Herndon children, and then by Deana Myers]

Abortion must be abolished.

Christian, in This Bloody Day

"We live in a day of slaughter,
When folks do slay both son and daughter.

When parents want to give "no room",
And target those inside the womb.

Christian, in this bloody day,
Will you now your Lord obey?

Who will go to stand for Christ?
To the gates of child sacrifice?

Will you go the Truth to speak?
Seek to stand up for the weak?

Bring the Gospel, the lost to reach?
Take your stand inside the breach?

Will cold weather make you balk?
Or a ways you have to walk?

No matter what they say in town?
Even if folks at church do frown?

Will you go if others don't?
Whether sinners give heed--or if they won't?

Will you love in word AND deed
Open mouth, for the poor to plead?

So love mercy, do what is just;
Now walk humbly, in God trust.

As for fruit, remember what is:
Duty is ours. Results are HIS."

[Written by an abolitionist the same morning he stood alone at the gates of death, declaring truth, pleading for lives, and begging God for more laborers on the final lines.  Written the same day this photo was taken.]

Abortion must be abolished.


Sometime ago, a brother in Christ sent me a message, asking why I always include the letters AMBA or the words "Abortion must be abolished" on each social media post or comment.

His main question, was

"Why AMBA?  Why not just JMBE (Jesus must be exalted)?" 

The idea is that if Christians simply would exalt Christ, then that would by course stop abortion too.

After consideration, here was my response.

"First of all, I think it is a great idea (and is the chief end of mankind) to glorify Jesus in all we do. And I seek to do so.  I believe that can be seen readily in all my posts and writing.

I would encourage any Christian to use JMBE in their posts. 

However, I am afraid that millions of Christians would agree with JMBE, say 'Amen' and NEVER apply that to abolishing the murder of their preborn neighbors (A broad statement and sentiment of calling for Christ to be exalted can be generally glossed over and lauded by Christians without addressing a particular area that needs to be addressed to exhort Christians to do their duty in exalting Christ in a culture of child sacrifice.).

History reveals the tragic failure.

MOST Bible preaching churches in America during the time of slavery did NOT do righteously in behalf of their neighbors in bondage, but they would have been proclaiming that 'Jesus must be exalted.'

Even among those churches that were "antislavery" and were of the "colonization society" were indifferent and even often antagonistic to the cry of the abolitionists.

During the holocaust of the Jews, there were 50 million church going Christians, who believed that Jesus must be exalted, but were silent and inactive as their neighbors were arrested and removed.  There were even Christians in a church beside the railroad tracks that would sing louder praises to God when the train passed, so that they could drown out the cries of the Jews being taken to the death camps.  They were loving and 'exalting Jesus in word', but not in deed and truth (I John 3:18).

Consider this quote by Martin Luther:

"If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ.  Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved.  And to be steady on all the battle fields besides is merely flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point."

So though those churches believed truth, and broadly declared that Jesus must be exalted, they failed to act to bring that truth to bear with the specific evil of the day in a way to exalt Him by Whose Name they were called.  Thus was it to their shame (I Corinthians 15:34).

Therefore I have chosen to exalt Jesus Christ by directly bringing the the Gospel into conflict with the evil of our day, speaking for those made in His image, "the least of these" with whom Jesus identifies Himself, who are being murdered in the very place where He was made flesh, entering the womb to redeem the world.

I believe that in all things, Jesus must be exalted, so I maintain that

"Abortion must be abolished."

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

His Only Baby Picture

I have had people recoil and tell me how horrible it is that I would show a picture of a victim of abortion in public.

In my explanation and reply, I tell the person that this child should have gotten a baby picture in a onesie, with a knitted cap, snuggled beside a teddy bear.

People should should have looked at his baby picture and "ooed and awed" about how big he was; how he had his mommy's eyes, or his daddy's nose.

BUT this is the only baby picture he's got.  

This is not gore.  

This is a precious child!  And I am showing his baby picture to display the violence that WE allow under "color" of law to people who are at peace with his slaughter.

God severely warned Israel concerning the people of the land who " any ways hide their eyes from the man when he giveth of his seed unto Molech..." (Leviticus 20:4).  

Consider God's word to His prophets:
"...Shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins" (Isaiah 58:1).
"...Wilt thou judge the bloody city? yea, thou shalt shew her all her abominations." (Ezekiel 22:2). 

And His words to His body, the church:
"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" (Ephesians 5:11).  Let us not hide our eyes, but rather bring to light the evil of our day which our society is permitting!

And I have seen time and time again that showing his baby picture has been used effectively to help other babies get the RIGHT kind of baby picture!

O, that WE would love these babies as much as we love our own sensibilities and comfort!

Abortion must be abolished.