before the sun goes down

"Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God: and let the LORD do that which is good in His sight" (I Chronicles 19:13).

Monday, December 26, 2016

Tenets of Abolitionism—Introduction—What we HOLD to (Part 1 of 6)

We presently live in a culture that murders its children. Over 3,000 little preborn humans are sacrificed to the god of self every single day.  This atrocity is called abortion, and 21,000 babies will be butchered by the end of this week. That is the same number who were killed last week!  We are living in the midst of a Holocaust that has slain over 60,000,000 innocent little children!

The question we pose to ourselves and to others is: "What does Christianity look like in a culture that kills its children?"

My family are abolitionists.  Abolitionists of Human Abortion.  We (and many other fellow Christians across the United States and in some other countries) are seeking for this great evil—which is protected under "color of law"—to be abolished.  We are not part of an "organization", but rather children of the living God with a desire to obey our Heavenly Father in loving our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Our family is also not part of the Prolife Movement.  We do not call ourselves “prolife” or identify with any organization within the movement.  This may seem wrong or at the least peculiar to many in the Church who are unacquainted with the ideology and practice of Abolitionism.  What follows this introduction in 5 different blog posts will hopefully answer your questions and lay to rest any doubts as to why! 

There are many others who have written on this topic and I am grateful for all I have learned from them. I want this to be but another shout in the battle for fellow warriors to take proper ground, hold it manfully, and strive lawfully in the engagement for lives, souls, and the glory of our King.

Abolition is based on 5 Tenets.

The word "tenet", comes from the root teneo, meaning "to hold".  This is also the root for other English words such as tenacity, maintain, continue, tenable, attentiveness, and retain.  A tenet is a doctrine, precept, or principle to which a person holds fast as true, and will not let go.

I urge you to take the time to read these following blog posts, search the Scriptures that are included, and prayerfully consider what the Christian's response must be to this great evil in our land!

Abortion must be abolished.

The Pun is a Tool

A mosaic of puns at work one day while moving shovels, rakes and other tools.  

I like to "implement" puns into whatever I am doing.

Various Puns Vocalized:

"When push comes to SHOVEL, we can HANDLE this!"
"When you tell the plain truth about a digging tool, that's calling a SPADE a SPADE."
"Ho, HOE, my fine fellows!"
"We're really RAKEing in the dough now!"

The mind ADZE another, which I want to make into a joke, so I AXE my friend:
Me: "What king of jackets do ditch-diggers wear?"
Coworker: "TRENCH coats." (I work with quick thinkers!)
Me: "I see that you DIG what I am saying."

Thought of another that I told myself:
Me: "Did you hear about the singles bladed axe that was accused of giving a piece of wood a splitting headache?"
Myself: "No. Did he do it?"
Me: "We don't know yet, but it has been aWEDGEd that he did.  One tool said she even SAW it happen.  Sounds CLEARCUT to me."

I should do a follow up pun, but if you have heard one joke about a single bladed axe, you've heard a MAUL.

The HOLE idea of a pun rant is to pun till you hit an EMBLANKMENT.  Not being one to throw in the TROWEL, I make a last DITCH effort.

Me: "Did you hear about the spy who did a stakeout in a ditch?"
Coworker: Waits for my answer.

I know.  PITiful.

WELL, around this time, some of you might be groaning in a GUTTERal tone, and others may be PIPEing up, "SEWER is this going?"

I have thought of putting in a PLUG for something, or singing an ending jingle in FAUCETo, but I have the sinking feeling that this post is going down the DRAIN.  Just felt LEAD to share with you.

ABORTION is child sacrifice and MUST BE ABOLISHED. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

CATO, the Incorrigible

I have an affinity for powerful quotes.

Place: Roman Republic

Time: 2nd Century B.C. (During the latter years of the Punic Wars against Carthage)


English: "Furthermore, I consider that Carthage must be destroyed."

This is a oratorical phrase in popular use in the Roman Republic, most famously uttered by the Roman senator, Cato the Elder (234-149 BC), in his speeches.

Cato was a man who believed that Carthage, the foremost enemy of Rome in that day, must be destroyed.  And so he said so.  All the time.

Cato used these words frequently and persistently, no matter the subject of his discourse.

Cato used it emphatically and zealously.

Cato used it with determination, unswayed by pressure to cease or tone it down.

Cato used it almost to the point of absurdity.

Cato was incorrigible.  

Incorrigible means "that which cannot be corrected or amended".  This is usually used in a negative sense, but I want to show the positive sense of the word.  

Consider the following aspects of being incorrigible:
1. Impossible to alter from its course or set onto a different path.
David Livingstone was incorrigible.  He said that he would not "swerve one hairbreadth" from what God called him to do.
2. Impervious to correction, taunts, pressure, intimidation, punishment, or pain.
Richard Wurmbrand was incorrigible. During his ten years being tortured in a Communist prison for not bending the Truth of Scripture, he made one deal with his tormentors: "You beat me.  I'll preach to you.  Then we will BOTH be happy." 
3. Invariable, unalterable, immutable, hence, impossible to improve upon. 
The laws of nature and mathematics are incorrigible.

Impossible to alter...Impervious to pressure...Invariably set...Incorrigible.

That was Cato.  

"Carthage must be destroyed."

He never let the issue go to the back burner in the thoughts of his peers, his audience, his acquaintances.  He was avoided, laughed at, even despised for this continual declaration. But finally, Carthage was indeed destroyed.

Now I cannot truly speak to the virtue of said destruction.  But I DO say we need a Cato in our day.  A Cato for the abolition of human abortion.

1. The Holocaust that has murdered over 60,000,000 of our neighbors here in the U.S.A.,
2. The continued slaughter of 3,000+ more children EVERY DAY, 
3. The judgment of the true God that we justly deserve for our national blood guilt,
4. The apathy of the culture, even of those who say they are against the violence, 
5. The constant distractions of entertainment, media, society, and our own selfish pursuits and desires that crowd out thought of the plight of our preborn neighbors and our duty toward them before God.

Taking all these into account,
I am constrained to proclaim that we need such a person as Cato today

Someone to tirelessly expose the sin of child sacrifice before the eyes of a pathetic public!
Someone to keep the need for justice, mercy, and equity toward the least of these ringing in our ears!
Someone to call for/put forth bills for the total and immediate abolition of abortion!
Someone who REFUSES to live at peace with child sacrifice!
Someone who will agitate the culture toward repentance and righteous action!
Someone to keep the demand constant!  To make the clarion call for abolition perpetual!

Until human abortion is ABOLISHED

A Cato in the United States Legislature.  
A Cato in every State Senate and House of Representatives.  
A Cato in every city council. 
A Cato on every street corner. 
A Cato in every church body.  
A Cato in every family.  

Why settle for one Cato in each sphere?  All Christians should be like Cato in this wise.  Catos all over!  Calling out the declaration to "Cease to do evil!  Learn to do well!"  "Abortion is evil and it must be abolished."  "LET US REPENT!"

Abortion must be abolished.  And it will be abolished when WE cease to tolerate it. 

Jesus said, "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh" (Matthew 12:34).  Oh, that our hearts would be so filled with the love of God and our neighbors that people would find abolition in every conversation, on every social media post, on our lips, and in our lives!   

This fills my mind, and thus I am compelled to say,

"Furthermore, I consider that ABORTION MUST BE ABOLISHED."

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Day of Infamy

On December 7, 1941, an attack was made upon the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor by Japanese bombers.  The onslaught was swift and vicious.  360 warplanes from Imperial Japan destroyed, sank, or severely damaged battleships, other vessels, and aircraft.  2,403 Americans were slain and 1,178 were wounded, many while valiantly trying to repulse the violent enemy.  It was a critical, surprising blow upon a nation that had not been fighting yet in WWII.

What was the response?  National mourning and outcry.  Weeping in homes, schools, and churches. Individuals, families, communities, and the country as a whole were filled with horror and indignation at the deed that slew so many.  The president called December 7th, "a day that shall live forever in infamy." 

What was the response?  The United States reeled in shock and wheeled into action.  It was that act and the call for justice and vindication that drew the U.S. into the Second World War.  In about four years, the war was over, the Allies victorious.

The motto of WWII was "Remember Pearl Harbor".

It is appropriate to remember such a day as December 7th, 1941, a day of infamy.

BUT what about December 7th, 2016?  Well over 3,000 Americans were murdered on our own shores.  They had no warning, no way to escape, and no way to fight back.  

They were beheaded, dismembered, burned, and poisoned to death.  Murdered with forceps, needles, vacuums, and pills.

The violence done against them was sought for by those who should have been their most ardent protectors - their own parents.  And it was all done under "color of law", protected by the U.S. National and State governments.

Think of it.  EVERY DAY in America since 1973, we have murdered more Americans than the Japanese killed at Pearl Harbor.

In WWII, an estimated 418,500 Americans were killed.  That is less than half the amount of Americans WE murder each and every year.

Remember the weeping and outcry after Pearl Harbor?  

What has been the response to the war on Womb Harbor?  Over 60 million American girls and boys have been destroyed, and the nation is unmoved.  Each day is treated as a "ho-hum" day of homicide.  Our entire culture has become guilty in some manner, whether by Complicity, Collaboration, or Callousness. 

In the Prolife movement, and in the churches of Jesus Christ, the two places where opposition should be most expected, we find Complacency, Cowardice, and Confusion.  We have bought into the lie of Compromise.  We are living at peace with child sacrifice.  

We make "prolife legislation" to regulate the murder rather than end it.  We make unrighteous and iniquitous decrees, telling who can kill babies, when, where, how, and in what cases they can be murdered.  Woe unto us (Isaiah 10:1).  We are crying "Peace, peace, when there is no peace" (Jeremiah 6:14).  We have followed the crowd to do evil and wrest the judgment of the most vulnerable in our culture (Exodus 23:2).   

What must our response be?  Isaiah 1:16-18 is a good start. 

We need to repent.  
We need to humble ourselves and confess the sin of silence, absence, and unjust action in the face of this attack upon our neighbors (Luke 10:27).  
We need to sigh and cry over this violent abomination we have allowed (Ezekiel 9:4).  
We need to cry mightily to the God of Heaven as Nineveh did, that He might show mercy, though we well deserve judgment for our personal and national sin (Jonah 3:8-9).  
We need to arise and demand justice and equity for the least of these (Isaiah 1:17; Jeremiah 22:3; Matthew 25:40)!  
We need to valiantly engage this dark and decaying culture with the light and salt of the Gospel (Matthew 5:13-16)!  
We need to open our mouths for those who have no voice and are being carried to be slain (Proverbs 24:11-12; 31:8-9).
We need to be of good courage and behave ourselves valiantly for our people and for the kingdom of God, and trust the results to the LORD (I Chronicles 19:13).

Let us recognize the great infamy of which we are guilty.

[Infamy: 1 the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed.  2 an evil or wicked act.]

EVERY DAY is "a Day of Infamy" for America.  Never forget that.

Remember Pearl Harbor and Abolish Human Abortion.

Abortion must be abolished.

Prayer Targets to Shut Down Abortion Mills, and for the Abolition of Abortion

Nearly all Christians know that we should be praying about the onslaught upon the preborn in our midst.  

However, I find that many are at a loss of specific things for which to pray.  So here are some definite targets of prayer concerning child sacrifice. I hope it is edifying to some, in hitting the mark of intercession with our God about the violence against the fatherless.
BELIEVERS: O Lord of the Harvest, I pray that You would awaken Your people to repent of apathy in regards to the plight of the preborn.  That we as churches would be convicted to go to this field, to labor for life and souls at the gates of death.  That the sidewalks would never be empty when babies are being sacrificed; but on the contrary, that Bible believing Christians would line the sidewalks and be such a shining presence for the testimony of Christ that the mills will not be able to withstand the truth.  May the churches search the Scriptures and reject ProLife partiality in favor of equal protection in alignment with God's precepts of Justice, Truth, and Love.  May they seed the culture and bringing the Gospel into conflict with this great evil.  That Christians would be salt and light in all society, not just at the gates of slaughter, but also at the gates of state, and the streets in between.

and may THAT be why the abortion mills close down, and abortion abolished

PARENTS: O Father, I pray for parents to whom You have granted conception, who are considering or planning to have their offspring murdered.  Turn their hearts away from their own selfishness and toward their children!  We pray that they may fear You and flee evil!  Cause them to value their babies, and protect them from this horrific onslaught!  Work in their consciences, reproving them of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment!  May they refuse to make their babies take the hit for them!  May they cease to destroy little ones at mills, by pills, through birth control, or in vitro fertilization!  May fathers and mothers valiantly welcome and defend the children given to them by God, and may business therefore at Planned Parenthood and other mills grind to a halt,

and may THAT be why the abortion mills close down, and abortion abolished.

WORKERS: O Lord of all, I pray for those who work at the mill, that they would have no rest and no peace in their jobs.  Lord, open their eyes, and break the hardness of their hearts!  May they humble themselves, repent and trust in Christ, and find healing in Christ!  May they forsake the foolish and live.  Lord, lead them to jobs that do not involve the shedding of innocent blood!  May the nurses, the receptionists, the IT support—everyone—from the administration to the janitors, run from this business,

and may THAT be why the abortion mills will close down, and abortion abolished.

ABORTIONISTS: O Giver of Life, I cry unto you for those physicians who have left true medicine to engage in the violent onslaught of defenseless children in the womb.  I pray for those "healers" who have turned the Hippocratic oath into the "Hypocritic" oath.  Lord, they condemn the innocent blood and contemn You.  There is no fear of God before their eyes.  Let not man prevail against You!  Convict them.  Show them how abominable the shedding of innocent blood is to You.  Pierce their calloused souls with Your word!  Teach them to fear the Lord!  Cause them to heed the Gospel!  May they turn from their pride to bow the knee to Christ openly and without reserve.  Then, saved and forgiven, cause them to stand against abortion themselves, and cry for its abolition!  If they will not, take them away, so that they cannot continue this atrocity.  May those who slaughter children repent or be removed, so that no doctor will take money to murder babies,

and may THAT be why the abortion mills close down, and abortion abolished.

COMMUNITY: O Righteous Judge, awaken particular regions across the nation, and especially the citizens of cities that have murder mills!  May their eyes be opened to the wickedness done in their midst, and may open eyes weep in remorse and repentance.  Expose the abominable practices of these; show their depravity, their unethical doings, their greed and cruelty. 

Confound their crafty conspiracies, and show them to be hateful.  May it become evident and loathsome to the community, the businesses surrounding them, companies who service them, the media, city officials, and even their own client base.  May the horror of what abortion is so take hold upon citizens, that they cannot remain silent and unmoved.  Cause the people of towns that contain human sacrifice centers within their city limits to rise up and say, “NO MORE! We will no longer stand by and allow this bloody holocaust to continue on our turf!”  May they cry out out mightily to God for mercy and seek the clearing away of blood guilt from their border.  Ah, that the public sentiment, public presence, and public pressure would cause the abortion industry in ___________ to shrink away in shame,

and may THAT be why the abortion mills close down, and abortion abolished.

STATE LEADERS: O LORD of Hosts, I pray for state leaders and other lesser magistrates, that have collaborated and compromised with child sacrifice, including those "prolife" leaders who seek to regulate murder, rather than abolish the slaughter within their jurisdiction.  Cause them to remember that they will answer, not only to man, but also to You for their acts as authorities.  Teach them the fear of the LORD.

May they be confronted by the people under them (who will follow the widow's example in continual coming), to execute judgment and righteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor.  May the Christians rise in Jesus' name to speak for the weak, to be a voice in every state house, demanding total abolition of child sacrifice in every state legislature.  May the magistrates repent of their cowardice, complicity, and compromise.  Cause them to cease to do evil and learn to do well.  Lord, move them to defend the poor and the fatherless, to do justice to the afflicted and needy.  May legislators put forth bills of total and immediate abolition of abortion.  May lesser magistrates on each level interpose for the innocent, and stand to protect the vulnerable.  Draw them to turn from partiality, to criminalizing this slaughter of son and daughter as the murder it is.  Use them to punish the evil doer, and reward the righteous, in essence to do their duty,

and may THAT be why the abortion mills close down, and abortion abolished.

 NATIONAL LEADERS: O King of kings, Ruler of nations, I pray for those who lead this country, from judges to the legislature, to the president, that You would turn their hearts as the rivers of water.  That they would see that they have framed mischief by a law, and permitted, funded, and promoted the murder of millions of their own citizens (over a million each year), indeed, the most vulnerable of our society.  That they would be put in fear, and know themselves to be but men.  That they would cry to You for mercy and turn their hearts to Jesus Christ, and our nation’s policies, laws, and positions to TRUE justice for all.  May these United States rise, denounce this bloody industry for the holocaust that it is, and utterly abolish human abortion,

and may THAT be why the abortion mills close down, and abortion abolished.

May this be useful to aid and arm the prayers of my brothers and sisters.

Keep in mind...

Many will say that we need to pray over the evil of abortion, and prayer IS vital.  
However, let us NOT simply PRAY, when God has commanded us to OBEY.

Abortion must be abolished.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Things My Father Taught Me

My father, Stanley Kevan Myers taught me a lot.  Here are some of those things...

How to love to read books.
How to come as soon as I was called.
How to swing a hammer and use a circular saw.
How to camp and tent and love adventure.
How to appreciate good food and graciously eat whatever I was given.
How to receive correction and discipline.
How to milk goats and get eggs from a chicken's laying box.
How to run, hike, and climb.
How to skip a rock.
How to drive a car.
How to endure thirst, heat, cold, and pain, and keep going.
How to be a diligent worker, with a good attitude.
How to bait a hook (was with me when I caught my first trout).
How to hunt and clean a deer (you shoot it, you clean it).
How to build a tree stand or shelter off the land.
How to sing with all my heart.
How to observe, identify, and love animals: domestic, lifestock, and wildlife.
How to leave a campsite, or anywhere cleaner/better than I found it. 
How a man is to love and give himself for his wife and children.

He taught me to love water, forests, and mountains.
He taught me to value my family's heritage.
He taught me to love my family, my neighbours, and strangers.
He taught me to be a man of honour and duty.
He taught me to honour my elders.
He taught me to stand up for the weak and the vulnerable.
He taught me never to hit a girl.
He taught me to delight in worshipping God with a local church.
He taught me to know, fear, love, and serve the true and living Triune God.
He taught me to search the Scripture, and reckon them to be true.

I cannot tell you all the things my dad taught me, but I can tell the most important thing he ever taught me.

From before I was born, He would talk to me, and preach the Gospel to me in the womb.  And when I was 3 1/2 years old, and came to him greatly troubled, telling him that I was a sinner, on my way to Hell, he showed me the way of salvation.  

He reached out and got his Bible, and opened it to John 3:16, the same verse his dad turned to, when Dad went to him at age 4.

He declared what Jesus Christ, the Son of God had done on my behalf, laying down his life shedding his blood on the cross, taking my punishment, and rose the third day so that I could be saved.  At the young age, I bowed my heart, believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and was turned from death unto life!

SO SO SO grateful for my father!

And I pray that the heavenly Father will make me into the "Da" that my children need, the kind of Dad and I had growing up.

Abortion must be abolished.