From the first chapter in the Bible, we find this declaration.
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them" (Genesis 1:26-27).
This is called the Imago Dei (Latin), and is an incredibly profound truth, that all humans are created in the image of God.
This should cause us to recognize our responsibility to our Creator, respond humbly in relationship with Him, and rightly deal with other humans as fellow image-bearers (with proper kindness, honor, justice, and patience). There is a unity in understanding and applying this truth—we were "made of one blood" (Acts 17:26), designed by God for His glory (Isaiah 43:7). The certainty of the word of truth gives a foundation for purpose and proper living in this present world (Proverbs 22:20-21). The Imago Dei is the basis for human rights, that all humans are image-bearers of the Creator God.
It is the grounds for providing just judgment in government, "...for in the image of God made he man" (Genesis 9:6), excluding "the respect of persons" in judgment (Exodus 23:3,6; James 2:4), giving rise to impartiality (Deuteronomy 16:19).
What happens when the world loses that knowledge...
Multitudes in our culture today have rejected their Creator and thus have no basis for the true understanding of the Imago Dei. This has resulted in manifold abuses and various vain ideals that serve as idols in souls and society as a whole.
For instance, many recently have swallowed a narrative, and bowed to the Idol known as DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion). This acronym just so happens to have the same letters as the Latin word for God (DEI).
Millions have bowed down to this made-up deity in our society—this god of “glorified Self’—but DEI has only brought division, entitlement, and iniquity no matter the proposed compassion toward all humans it claims to give. Those who worship at the feet of image of DEI, are in danger of becoming like the lying vanities they embrace, and forsake their own mercy (Psalm 115:8; Jonah 2:8).
As with many other false philosophies, the fruit born from DEI leads to confusion, oppression, abuse, and injustice.
Human rights cannot long survive the full-scale onslaught upon the reality of the Imago Dei. We must submit to God and His word, saying with the psalmist, in Psalm 119:73, "Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments."
Sons of Adam and daughters of Eve who have this understanding are able to and must reject every thought and philosophy that exalts itself against the knowledge of their Creator, and bring the truth into conflict with the culture that hates God and loves death (Proverbs 8:36). DEI is where true equality goes to DIE.
But the Imago Dei provides a framework for life from the Author of LIFE that works.
By the way, Abortion must be abolished.
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