before the sun goes down

"Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God: and let the LORD do that which is good in His sight" (I Chronicles 19:13).

Saturday, June 15, 2024

We are Abolitionists

How are abolitionists of human abortion different?

Abolitionists of abortion are engaging for equal protection from murder under the law for all. We are calling for the total and immediate abolition of child sacrifice.

We are not "overnighters". We will be not cast down and give up if the bill doesn't get heard in committee or doesn't get to the floor. Duty is ours. Results are God's.

We do not compromise with unjust measures to look like we are getting "something" done. We will not follow a multitude to do evil that good may come. We will not be guided by polls, we will not be swayed by the number of chariots or horses, I mean votes, there are on which side. We go by the shout of the King.

We continue to call for justice and plead for truth. We love our neighbors as ourselves. We will not be weary in well doing, but shall keep pressing, rising to smite again with truth, raising the banner, day after day, session after session, until justice is established.

We will not exchange the truth for a lie. We will not embrace partiality along the way. We will not celebrate iniquity. We will not be enamored with feigned love.

So many will try to treat the ending of abortion like a political game with different plays to get some yardage, or other such analogies. THIS IS NO GAME. It is the MURDER of MILLIONS of our most vulnerable neighbors.

Howsoever, I will say...

I am willing to play the long game.

I am NOT willing to play the wrong game.

Abortion must be abolished. Not Regulated.

[I Chronicles 19:13; Proverbs 11:1; Deuteronomy 16:19-20; Exodus 23:2; Romans 3:8; Psalm 20:7; Numbers 32:21; Isaiah 59:4; James 2:8; Galatians 6:9; Ecclesiastes 12:1; Psalm; 94:16; Psalm 60:4; Luke 18:3-5; Amos 5:15; Romans 1:25; I Timothy 5:21; I Corinthians 13:6]