before the sun goes down

"Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people, and for the cities of our God: and let the LORD do that which is good in His sight" (I Chronicles 19:13).

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Astounding Advice - What Would YOU Say to That?

One morning I met a gentlemen in his 80's.  As a man half his age I asked him what words of wisdom he would share with me that I might learn something.

I was astounded by his answer: "Just do what you want.  Whatever feels good to you, go ahead and do it."

Wow!  That was not what I was expecting.  

I told him how that could possibly work in some limited areas, but there are a lot of scenarios in which that advice is downright destructive.

He was quiet.  Then, "Are you married?"

Me: "Yes."

"For how long?"

Me: "11 years."

"Well, I was married for 25 years, and then my wife ran off with all but $75 of my money."

I responded gently feeling like this was a great opportunity to speak truth in regard to his previous advice. "That is terrible," I said, "But then again, she was just doing what she wanted, wasn't she?  She was doing what felt good to her at the time."

He was quiet.

I went on.  "Often when we do what we want to do, go the way we want to go without any other standard, it will affect ourselves and others in a harmful way.  And when going our own way is in violation of God's Law and design, it is sin."

He still said nothing.  So I kept talking.

"The Bible tells us that all of us have done that, like sheep we have all gone astray and have turned every one to his own way.  That is called iniquity.  The Bible also tells us that, 'There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.'  We deserve death and Hell."

 I continued.

"That is why I have turned from going my own way, and have trusted alone on the One Who laid down His life to save me.  Jesus Christ paid the price for my sin with His own blood, and then rose again.  The Bible tells us that in the Garden, the Son said to the Father, 'Not My will, but Thine be done'.  He has saved me, and He guides the way I live now."  

The older gentleman was not too talkative after that.  Just a few more summing up words, and then the conversation was over.  Please pray that man will be turned from the way that leads to destruction to Jesus Christ, Who is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life".

And abortion must be abolished.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Reality about Roe and Dobbs

Fifty years ago today, the Supreme Court handed down Roe v. Wade.  For nearly 5 decades, it was treated by both proaborts and prolifers as the law of the land. In actuality is was the lie of the land.

The murder of our preborn neighbors was never in the Constitution.  The 1973 decision was an iniquitous decree, violating the US Constitution and the Higher Law of God.  No court has the authority to say that murder of a people group is okay.  The Triune God of the Bible is the Author of life, and the Judge over all, and thus He alone has the jurisdiction to say when life is to be taken away.  And He says in Jeremiah 22:3 to “Execute ye judgment and righteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor: and do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow, neither shed innocent blood in this place.”  Jesus reiterated while He walked among us, “Thou shalt do no murder.” 

The Roe v. Wade decision violated the Constitution also.  The US Supreme Court took a supposed "right to privacy" to mean that murder of your own children can happen in the privacy of the womb.  It was not a law, for courts do not make laws.  They render opinions, and when an opinion violates the Constitution and the Higher Law of the Creator, it is without constitutional authority and ought to be ignored.  For the last 50 years, babies didn’t die because of Roe v. Wade.  Many tens of millions of babies were murdered because states bowed to Roe v. Wade. 

On Friday, June 24th of 2023, the Supreme Court itself officially recognized the egregious error that it made.  They admitted the ruling almost 50 years ago was unconstitutional, and have returned the question to the states.  Here in Dobbs we find another error in judgment, a half correction:

The US Supreme Court was right to say that abortion is not a right in the Constitution.  BUT…

The US Supreme Court was wrong to then allow the states to deprive humans of the right to life if they so choose.  Just as the federal courts did not have a right to say abortion is a “right”, the states do not have a right to do so either—they have the duty to criminalize homicide.

With that in mind, consider that in 2019, the Kansas Supreme Court took the right to the "pursuit of happiness" in the state Constitution and said it included the pursuit of homicide.  This violates both the right “to life” and “equal justice” recognized in general to humans in the Kansas Constitution.  Thus, Bleeding Kansas, with its iniquitous court opinion, has fabricated its own state “Roe”, called “Hodes and Nauser v. Schmidt”.  Both courts, the US Supreme Court in 1973 and the Kansas Supreme Court in 2019, were dead wrong—both fallacious, both vain and iniquitous.

The Hodes case is unconstitutional and as Kansans we ought to ignore it, as we should have ignored Roe. What was national should now strike closer to home for the God-fearing people of the Sunflower State. We must defy Hodes and follow the Constitution and the Higher Law of God, even if the courts will not. As Elders our prayer since Friday has been, “Lord, may Your people, who refused to ignore Roe, do justly now that they can no longer use it as an excuse.” Our God commands that, “That which is altogether just shalt thou follow”. We must call for justice and plead for truth.

We must reject compromise, and demand of our legislators that, 

“Abortion must be abolished.”

Monday, January 2, 2023

Whose Side Are You On?

"The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things" (Proverbs 15:28).

This tweet is just a single example of the kind of evil that gushes from the heart of the soul in rebellion against the God Who made him.  We live in a society filled to the brim with not only hearts full of wickedness, but a people who celebrate, laugh at, or shrug off such trash being spewed out on the internet instead of seeking to curb it.  We live in a generation that hates God and loves death. 

I recognize and mourn over the reprobate nature of this tweet and pray that the Lord would give the author repentance to the acknowledgement of the truth.  I pray that she will be brought from death unto life everlasting through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

But there something else that grieves me.  And that's what my post is about. 

Here is the awful truth: If this woman would actually do such a thing she is proposing, she would face no prosecution!  That pierces my heart and should yours as well.  Every single state in our Union, including every acclaimed ProLife state, proports that woman who kill their preborn children are victims.  Every single Prolife legislation that has ever been put forth or passed has secured language to this end. And every ProLife leader and organization has done their due diligence to educate the church and inform elected officials that mothers who kill their babies at home (through mail order abortionswhich is very mush on the rise) or hire an assassin to do the job at an abortion mill, should be immune to prosecution!

Even in cases of partial birth abortion, in which there may be some penalty for the abortionist, the mother who hired the abortionist faces no penalties.

This is the fruit of being ProLife but not Biblical.  The ProLife doctrine, that mothers should never be prosecuted, is how we ended up with Roe v. Wade in the first place. The Texas statute that was the reason for the Roe v Wade court case claimed that children in the womb were protected by the 14th amendment, and yet the same statute did not give them equal protection by treating abortion like murder.  Mothers who hired doctors to kill their children were completely free from any charges.  Due to that partiality in judgment, the Supreme Court cited their inconsistency and stated that the preborn were not persons under the law with the same protections and far more than 60 million children have been murdered under color of law because of it.  Abominable.

Looking at Isaiah chapter 59, we see the evil of bloodshed and injustice in a society.  Scriptures states that truth is fallen in the street (v.14), and people make haste to shed innocent blood (v.7), and people are found crying out to God to deliver and to save in such an evil day.

God responds, saying that He is able to hear and save (v.1)but that He will not hear, nor bless and deliver (v.2), because those coming to Him are lifting hands defiled with blood themselves (v.3). 

He points out that they gone their own way (iniquity), and have been using falsehood, trusting vain measures, to deal with the problem.  What they haven't done is call for justice and plead for truth (v.3-4).  

How can we expect God to bless our own Nation when even those who are against the bloodshed refuse to treat it like murder? How can we expect God to deliver such a culture of death when the "champions of the innocent" hatch iniquitous decrees, compromising (and thus collaborating) with homicidetreating abortion like healthcare.  Is the ProLife movement raising bloody hands to ask God to bless their efforts?

As intensely grieved as I am over this tweet the Scripture states plainly that, "wickedness proceedeth from the wicked" (I Samuel 24:13).

I am more horrified at the way that we as the Christian community have been taught to permit this atrocity under color of law.  This is one of the reasons why I will not be a part of the ProLife establishment and call myself an abolitionist instead.

Let it not be said of Christians in this generation, "None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth" (Isaiah 59:4).

Christian, whose side are you on?  I implore you to leave the ProLife ideology and practice.  Stop giving money to ProLife organizations who refuse to be Biblical and instead openly promote falsehood and partiality in giving justice to the preborn.  

Want to know where to begin?  Watch this documentary and go to God's word for direction.

Abortion must be abolished.