I begin this post with a statement that everyone most likely agrees with.
Rape is a heinous crime! My blood boils with anger when I hear accounts of such wicked things. I would defend any girl from such a crime, even to the point of dying myself in order to rescue her.
Why is it wrong? Because of what it is.
Rape is a violent act of aggression upon a more vulnerable party, a horrific violation of a fellow human.
But if, when the atrocity is committed a baby is conceived, what should be done?
"In such a circumstance, is it excusable for the woman to procure an abortion?"
Sadly, most people would agree that the answer is yes.
In fact, if I were to talk with 20 random people about abortion, I am almost certain to hear rape brought into the discussion more than once. The "Rape Card" is most often pulled to reason for abortion in any argument--and not just when discussing abortion with pro-aborts!
This is true even among those who call themselves "pro-life" or work within the Pro-Life movement! Unsure of how to answer this question with confidence they most often come up with the wrong conclusion.
And it is the same response--one that leans toward abortion being "okay" or even justified if the women has been raped--from well meaning Christians.
And consider that hundreds of thousands, if not millions of pro-lifers vote for, fund, and support organizations, candidates, and bills that utilize that exception. The air is thick with emotional appeals, political rhetoric, and compromising platitudes.
So, what about abortion in the case of rape?
Does rape justify the termination of a pregnancy?
There is a definite answer.
Let's just insert the word murder in the place of the word termination and ask that question again:
Does rape justify the murder of your child?
The reason most pro-life Christians are confused or downright adamant in regards to this exception only shows that they are forming their moral opinions based on feelings and not on a Biblical foundation! This is the sad and horrifying reality among much of the Church today in regards to so many evils that permeate our land!
Every human life begins at the point of conception.
God says, "Thou shalt not murder!"
That should pretty much be the end of this discussion! Every other sub-point (and every emotion that encompass the crime of rape) must submit fully to this truth! But for the sake of those who truly desire to do that which is right and are eager to come and reason together, let's go ahead and take a look at some of the common reasons and/or assumptions that surround this topic and why it is never right to murder, or allow for the murder, of any person--born or preborn!
Abortion will solve the problem of a raped conceived child!
First off, a mother who has been raped is not a problem, and the child that has been conceived is not a problem! Society may classify this as true, but our society propagates lies! The mother is a victim, and her child has been given to her as a gift (Psalm 127:3, Genesis 20:180; 29:310; 30:2,22, Ruth 4;13). That is what God says. And we must trust Him fully!
Every child conceived is a precious purposed person--even when his or her conception is in the circumstance of sin, such as fornication, adultery, or rape. Not only is the baby not the problem, the baby is the only good that can result from the horrific crime. To terminate a rape conceived pregnancy in order to "get rid" of any shame or trauma surrounding the event only promotes more twisted thinking and adds sin to sin--sin upon sin! The victim (the mother) then becomes the perpetrator and the blessing (the child) becomes the victim!
And when does murder ever solve a real problem? If a crime was committed, committing another crime will not help!
Rape is a violent act of aggression upon a more vulnerable party, a horrific violation of a fellow human.
Abortion is a violent act of aggression upon a more vulnerable party, a horrible violation of a fellow human being.
Abortion is evil for the same reason that rape is evil. But there are definite ways that they are different. One difference is that the act of abortion violates with finality.
If someone is raped and then murdered, their murder is a further crime beyond being raped. If the victim is not murdered, then there is an opportunity for recovery and healing--a chance to overcome the traumatic incident and the possibility to see justice done for the violence put upon them.
However, when a child is aborted, the crime is murder. Period! There is no recovery--no chance for the victim to overcome any obstacles surrounding his/her conception, birth, or upbringing and no possibility to see justice done for the violence put upon them!
But the baby will only be a horrible reminder of the rape!
There is a huge load of emotions being carried around in regards to a rape conceived child! There is a certain agenda being pushed in our society and it is selfish to the core!
A woman who has been taken advantage of--who has had to endure the crime of rape--will likely never be the same again! Although she has the opportunity to heal and may find true healing, she very likely will carry memories and/or negative feelings about what happened to her for the rest of her life!
Instead of offering true help that can bring about true healing our culture tells her that she shouldn't have to raise a child that will be a constant reminder of that wicked act!
She is told that she has the right to end her pregnancy (that she SHOULD end her pregnancy) to keep all those horrible feelings at bay. She is told that keeping the child is punishing herself and letting her rapist win!
These are lies from the pit of hell and will only serve to keep her bound in her pain.
What I am not saying is that keeping her baby will negate her pain--what I am saying is that abortion will most definitely hinder a healthy healing from her pain!
If a woman who has been raped chooses to have an abortion, she goes from being a victim to becoming a villain. It makes her guilty of murder. Abortion doesn't stop a mother from being a mother. It just makes her the mother of a murdered baby; a baby that she paid to have slain. She hasn't just "ended" her pregnancy--she has participated in the crime of abusing that child to death! This guilt on her part will just add to her trauma, depression, etc.
She may choose to snuff out the memory by having an abortion--she may drink the memories away or become increasingly immoral to distract her mind and/or harden her heart from both the rape and the abortion! Or she may walk forward in a false and arrogant freedom--feeling as if she has found her true self and did the only "responsible" thing to do! But she is guilty all the same! (Consider how many convicted murderers there are in prison right now who feel no remorse or any guilt regarding the crime they committed!) Ignoring the symptoms of sin, and the consequences that that sin will bring, is not the absence of those things! It is just a game of denial played with the devil that will produce a crop of judgement in this life or the life to come!
Contrariwise, I know a number of women who have suffered rape and conceived a child during the crime! Those who carry there baby must still deal with the horrendous memories and the pain, but they have not become guilty of a crime themselves!
The road to healing can be made much easier when someone responds rightly to evil done to them. Every mother I know who has kept her child in that circumstance talks about the comfort and healing that child has brought to her.
What a sad reality--what a truly horrible reality--that Christians, who are given the direct command to visit the fatherless and widows in their distress, are so often either supporting legislation that allows for exceptions in cases of rape or forming their own moral opinions (out of a false compassion for the mother) that murder in the case of rape is acceptable! That is not visiting the fatherless, that is abandoning the orphan in great need! Wickedness! This is doing the exact opposite of what we are commanded in Scripture! This is not loving the least of these! This has made the Church powerless to righteously effect our evil culture! It is most definitely NOT bringing the culture (and all those individuals who sit in darkness and need the Light of life) into conflict with the gospel of Jesus Christ, the only true Healer! It is following a multitude to do evil!
We need to cut through the confusion with the clarity of Truth. It is THE TRUTH that sets us free!
Ezekiel 18:20 "The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him."
It is wrong to allow the murder of a child for the crime of their father. This should be clear to everyone. To do the opposite of letting the child L I V E is to do E V I L!
So let's "cease to do evil". Let's "learn to do well".
Abortion must be abolished. No Exception!