
Monday, February 17, 2020

What if the Baby is Going to Die Anyway? Exception?

Here is another exception that many have put forward on the subject of abortion.  

"What if the baby has something wrong with them?  Some issue that will cause them to not be able to survive anyway?  That they won't live more than a few minutes, or hours, or days?  Is it not better to abort in that case?  Isn't this an exception?"

There are some things to take into reckoning about this.  We will look at three.

First, and this should be obvious.
Doctors are not God.  God is.  Physicians do not know the future and can make mistakes.  Often they are trying to cover their own backs from possible lawsuits.  There have been cases in which parents have been told that their child would not survive, were greatly pressured to abort, refused, and gave birth to babies who survived, and some who were completely healthy.  Tests results can be mistaken, and God can still heal.

But what if the child really is going to die? 

Consider the following scenario: 

If a car goes off a bridge into raging river and sinks, and I swim down to try to help the driver.  He is jammed in there, and I cannot free him.  He is certain to drown.  Let's say I "resolve" the issue by taking my knife and stab him to death.

When they drag the car out of the river, and discover the body, there will be a criminal investigation.   You see, even though he was going to die anyway, I would and should be prosecuted.  Because what I did was murder. 

So this circumstantial argument does not justify murder.  Jesus said, "Thou shalt do NO murder" (Matthew 19:18).  Period. 

Furthermore, I personally know of couples who have found themselves in this traumatic scenario.  Here is one example.  

The baby whom the mother was carrying in her womb had physical problems, which caused her only to live a few days outside the womb. 

It was a severely difficult and mournful time for sure, but also a precious time in which they were able to speak to and love on that child.  And I am quite certain that they would not trade those hours for anything. 

My wife and I lost our second child, firstborn son, William Livingstone Samuel, while he was still in the womb.  He was born early, already passed.  If given a chance, I would have fought tooth and nail to have been able to hold him while he was still alive, even if he was destined to die minutes or hours later.

These are our children we are talking about!  Murder by abortion is NEVER the solution. 

Abortion must be abolished.

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