
Monday, February 17, 2020

"How Dare You Judge?" And a Soft Answer

This is from a conversation (in 2015) outside Planned Parenthood in Overland Park, Kansas.  

An angry individual in a black mustang stopped on the way to his work, pulled over to the curb, and rolled down his window to give me a piece of his mind.  

Here was part of the conversation:

Angry Man: "Can't you do something better with your time?"

Abolitionist: "What could be better than saving a life?"

Angry Man: "How dare you stand in judgment of these women!" 

Abolitionist: "Is that your 'judgment': that we are standing in judgment?  We stand because we care for these women and for their children.

Angry Man: [stammering with flashing eyes] "You have no idea of what these women's circumstances are.

Abolitionist: "You are right.  But we offer that same help and hope to women no matter their circumstances.  And just this week we are excited to meet a little baby that was saved because we stand outside these places.  We've been able to walk with this woman through her entire pregnancy and have had joy in assisting even after her baby was born."

I shared that we are Christians, are seeking to love our neighbors as ourselves, and share the Gospel of Christ, bringing it into conflict with this sin.

The Angry Man, who had no ready reply, and was obviously not angry anymore, reached out to take a 180 Movie and tract, and drove away.

I still see him drive past from time to time, and often he waves.

It is not about winning an argument or shutting up those who mock.  It is about our being willing to speak out of love to those who spit on what we do. It is about reasonable answers and watching the holy Spirit quiet the enemy.  God is good and His truth will not lose.

Proverbs 15:1 "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."

Abortion must be abolished.

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