
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Upside Down

Our culture in the United States is functionally upside down
One striking example is the area of education.

The Professors:
The ones most trusted in Academia and most esteemed to teach in "higher education"--passing knowledge to the next generation

are the ones who are subverting even the existence of knowledge, and leaving students with NO basis for truth and reason.

All the while, the Bible gives us the picture of what is right side up.  "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction" (Proverbs 1:7).  This is confirmed multiple times, in multiple ways, through the entire scriptures.  It is the word of God alone that gives us the standard of what will make us wise and what will (even though believing ourselves to be wise) make us fools.

But it is especially acute in the area of abortion.  Consider these...

The Prey: 
The ones who are the most innocent, the most harmless, and the most vulnerable people in the land 

are the ones who are the most condemned, hated, and targeted with violence and execution. (Preborn)

The Procurers:
The ones who should have the most vested interest in caring for and protecting these innocent victims 

are the ones who are actively seeking out their slaughter, hiring assassins to murder them. (Parents)

The Practitioners:
The ones who have sworn an oath to help the weak, to heal, and to "do no harm"

are the ones who commit the most murders in the land (hundreds and thousands each), and are hired to do so.

The Powers:
The ones who are sworn to uphold the document that does recognizes the victims' rights and guarantees equal protection

are the ones who dehumanize the victims and secure the ability to destroy their lives.

The ones who are bound to make sure laws are according to the Constitution

are the ones who pervert the Constitution in their opinions.  Indeed, the ones whose task of impartial judgment (symbolized by a blindfolded individual with scales and a sword) are the ones who are partial in their judgment, stripping equal justice from the poorest and most needy.

The ones who are elected to write laws to establish equity for all the people in the states

are the ones making mischief by laws that are inconsistent and arbitrary.

The Pragmatists: 
The ones who are dedicated to do "what works" for good end results

are the ones who keep doing what isn't working (in explicit opposition to the word of God) destroying the possibility for good end results.

The Perpetuators: 
The ones who are the most lauded in the ProLife Movement as the champions of the preborn

are the ones who are diligently stopping the bills that would abolish abortion and finally protect the preborn, and thus are prolonging the Holocaust.

The Permissioners:
Many millions of Christians, whose opinion largely is opposed to the murders of their preborn neighbors (in the their votes, in their charity, and in their prayers)

are the ones who are allowing the murders which take place in their cities and states to continue without taking meaningful action to stop it or even go to speak up for the weak in the place where it is being committed.  

The truth that is becoming more and more evident in this upside down world (a truth that Francis Schaeffer actually penned 30 years ago) that boldly states:

"Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it, saying, Open by permission of the church."  Francis Schaeffer

This sad state of affairs is poignantly illustrated in the symbol of abolition.  The upside down A represents the culture that has subverted God's righteous Law, to allow for the slaughter for fellow image bearers, humans in the first stages of life.  Even many in the ProLife Movement are using worldly reasoning and actions in their opposition of the evil.  Abolitionists are seeking to turn this whole system to right thinking and right action, in accordance with God's Higher Law, illustrated by the upright A in the symbol.

The world, and our society may say,

"These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;" (from Acts 17:6),

But in reality, we are seeking to turn things right side up.


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