
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

What's Wrong With America?

This post was written by my wife:


There is one major reason America is in the horrific state that it is in.

It is the blood dripping from her hands!

In just the last 45 years (not including the abortions performed before Roe v. Wade, and the many image bearers killed through chemical contraceptives, Plan B, and IVF) we have violently murdered over 63 million precious babies--their bodies taken away as medical waste to be burned or casually flushed down the toilet.  That is over the top sick!  It is grievous. And what makes it even more hideous is that the baby's own mother is responsible for each torture and death.

There is not a single moment, here in America, where a child is not being targeted for death by his/her mother and father--the planning, the plotting, the pressure--it is being discussed and decided on right now, someone is looking up a web site or making a phone call or withdrawing money to cover the costs as you sit and read these words!

And we as a nation, and even more sadly, as the Church, have lived at peace with this horror.

We settle in down in our comfortable home and comfortable lives while our neighbors are being taken way to die.  We are given a pious, pragmatic card to pay by those who tell us they know best--and then we look to them to know when to play it and when to keep it in our pocket.  This brings a false confidence that we are fighting the dragon in the only way we can.  This counsel is given from a powerless gospel and it is a disgrace to the One Who crushed the head of the enemy on the cross--and abolished death completely and forever!  The only way to kill this dragon is to pierce his heart immediately.  And we do this by looking into God's word alone for our battle plan.

As a Church, we have held firmly to our ProLife position--putting bumper stickers on our cars, signing ProLife petitions, voting the ProLife ticket, and giving money to the "Movement".  We think we are doing what needs to be done, because we are told that what we are doing is what needs to be done!

O, the state of the Church!  That we would listen to such vile advice and heed it. 
As if the people of God did not have His word in their hands!
As if they did not know what He has already mandated must be done!

It is what the ten Boom family did during the Hitler's Holocaust--defying the evil laws of the Third Reich, defying their church leaders when told they must compromise and do nothing, and dying to their own comfort by rescuing Jews from certain death. 

It is what other men and women have done to abolish the evil of their era throughout history--infanticide in Rome, the chattel slavery in the British Empire and the United States, twin killings in Nigeria, and temple prostitution/slavery and widow slayings in India!

"If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; if thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?" (Proverbs 24:11-12).

We must trust in the spiritual mean and methods God has given to us in His word.  We must be an obedient Church, loving God and out neighbor as ourselves!

But we are deceived.  And we are apathetic.

And being apathetic makes us easier targets to be deceived.

We have spent 40+ years cheering on other to "get the job done."  And we have gotten NO WHERE!  We applaud the incremental laws that are passed (i.e. protecting only certain babies from death-securing the slaughter of all the rest); we vote in ProLife leaders with hopes they will appoint ProLife Supreme Court justices in hopes that they will reverse Roe v. Wade (history lesson pause: Roe v. Wade was decided by a court that was comprised of a majority of justices who were nominated by Republican presidents); we choose one day a year to "highlight" LIFE in our churches, and yet often do what we can to soften the reality of abortion in case someone in the audience might have had one and may be greatly disturbed by the issue.

Yeah, and that too, we treat abortion like it's an issue!  It's not an issue. 
It's coldblooded, for hire murder. 
It's little babies being poisoned or burned to death, ripped to shreds, smashed and pulverized or dismembered, and then pulled out of their mother's womb.
And it is done to over 3,500 babies a day. 
It's our Holocaust.

It is this approach of the ProLife Movement, that has given evil the ability to sink its talons deeper into our culture.  It has made Christians wimpy.  It has made the Church compromise.  You cannot abolish any evil by justifying or allowing it to continue in some cases.  ANY strategy for ending abortion in this country which allows for the continued occurrence of some abortions for the sake of eventually outlawing the rest, though seemingly pragmatic, is compromise, and its promises of effectiveness are false.  It's not slaying the dragon, it is feeding the dragon.  Unless we become dissidents of thise culture of death we will never see this evil abolished.

There are Biblical grounds that make the abolishing of abortion a mandatory mission--mandatory--meaning every believer in Jesus Christ, every body of believers that gather regularly under His name, must rise up and do SOMETHING personally and corporately about it (James 1:27; Proverbs 24:10-12; 29:7;31:8-9; Psalm 7:9; 82:3-4; Luke 11:42; Ephesians 5:11; II Corinthians 10:5; Jude 23 and many more!).

Just like every other abolitionist, in every other evil age (one of my favorites being Amy Carmichael, missionary to India), we are to do God work by exposing and bringing down every work of darkness!  We are to bring justice in the name of Jesus Christ to those who are oppressed (Ezekiel 22)!

It really doesn't matter who is president.  Really!  America will never be great again if America continues to murder her preborn babies.  Period. There is NO way to get around the judgment God promises to fall on a people that sacrifice their children in the fire of Molech.  God tells us quite plainly that His hates the "hands that shed innocent blood" (Proverbs 6:16-17) and when "Manasseh shed innocent blood very much, till he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another" (II Kings 21:16), God spoke vehemently regarding His own beloved Jerusalem, the apple of His eye:

"Behold, I am bringing such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever heareth of it, both his ears shall tingle...and I will deliver them into the hand of their enemies, and they shall become a prey and a spoil to all their enemies" (II Kings 21:12-14).

Our country wil continue down this slippery slope of destruction and she will be bringing this demise on her own head.  It doesn't matter who is in the White House or who is seated on the Supreme Court, if we continue to murder our children!  And killing our own children is, by the way, in Scripture, both worthy of judgment, AND is a promised judgment to nation that is rebelling against God.

Abortion may be sanctioned unconstitutionally by the courts, and justified under color of law, but there would be no abortion industry if there was no demand for it.  The citizens of or United States demand abortion to the tune of 1.2 million a year!  Abortion is sin and we must bring it into conflict with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We must use the Gospel to turn those running headlong into destruction away from their sin!

We must seek out and stand by godly leaders like Senator Joseph Silk in Oklahoma and Representatives Heather Scott and John Green in Idaho, and Representative Curt Nisly in Indiana who will do all they can (at the risk of their own future careers) to stand up to the Federal Beast and the ProLife Establishment that collaborates with the murder, to put forth bills, demanding the total and immediate abolition of murder by abortion.  It should be the first item on any political agenda.

And we must repent of our apathy and disinterest, Church!

Lamentations 3:51 tell us that if we need our hearts to be evoked (ignite passion and give us a voice as strong as thunder) we should open our eyes and look!  It is our eyes that affect our hearts.. Open your eyes, dear friends, and loo at the face of child sacrifice.  Look at its stark reality.  Look at its tiny victims.  It will be disturbing and will make you queasy.  You might have a bad day because of it.  I hope you have a bad day because of it.  But, PLEASE, whatever you do, dear Christian, keep looking unto your heart is affected!

Repent with my family over the apathetic and pathertic way we have allowed our most innocent neighbors to be beaten and left for dead (Luke 10:25-37).

We must stand up against this evil and honestly ask ourselves, "What does Christianity look like in a culture that kills its own children?

If just 1% of the Church stood up in Biblical opposition to legal murder of the preborn, I do believe we would see it brought down.  What a sad commentary--THAT NOT EVEN 1% of the Body of Christ will stop to help these poor little neighbors being beaten to death down the road from their assembly places.  Just 1% of the Bible believing, ProLife Churches in our region would represent thousands!  Millions of American Christians have a moral opinion regarding the crime, but do not feel that they have the time to (or specific call to) stop and bind up the wounds--to call for justice and equity (as specifically commanded in Scripture). 

Remember it was the religious men who held a correct moral opinion that were condemned  for behaving wicked;y in the parable of the Good Samaritan.  They were the priest and the Levite.  They were on their way to serve God and yet were among the "bad guys" in the drame that the Lord set before us.  Why?  Because they were bad neighbors!

And just like the lawyer who was first told this story, we are quick as the people of God to justify ourselves and say, "and who is my neighbor? I mean, really, Jesus, there are so many people in need.  I surely can't help every single one!

I love that Jesus' response to that justification did not include agreeing with this sentiment.  Instead He cut straight to the chase--"Go and do likewise!" (Luke 10).

Every member of of the Church is COMMANDED in this.  Jesus told us that the greatest two commandments were to love God (the One in WHose image these little babies are made at conception and then are murdered in the place of the incarnation of Jesus Christ, God the Son, the place where He chose to enter the world), and to lover our neighbors as we love ourselves (treating our preborn neighbor as we would want someone to treat us).

We have been compliant and complacent long enough!

If you have read my post this far and would like to know more about about abolition and what you can do in your area, please contact me or my husband!

Wake up, and rise up, Church!

Slay the dragon!  Abolish Human Abortion!

Deana Myers, abolitionist


Abortion must be abolished.

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