
Monday, December 31, 2018

KC Double Homicide and Hypocrisy

This year, right in my hometown (Kansas City, Kansas), a pregnant woman was killed by another woman!

The crime took place just blocks from where I grew up! Jocelyn Ybarra (23) and her unborn child (12 weeks) were slaughtered on North 41st Terrace (near Parallel Parkway and Highway 635) on Saturday, June 2nd. And on August 9th, Wyandotte County prosecutors charged Alora Mendoza (26), with TWO COUNTS of first degree murder, and one count of aggravated robbery.

Last month, on November 9th, 2018, Mendoza plead guilty to two counts of second degree murder, taking a plea bargain.

This reckless murder of a woman and her tiny baby is a travesty indeed! It is yet another horrific consequence that abounds in a culture of death--a society that parades its sin and takes pleasure in the shedding of innocent blood! 

We pray for the Lord to work in the hearts of all the families impacted by this incident, and especially for the salvation of Alora though repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

But what I want to focus your attention on in this post is the hypocrisy this story brings to light!

The hypocrisy in the Media:

Notice the bold headline as the Kansas City Star reports on this tragedy--"Murder charges filed in killing of pregnant KCK woman and her unborn child."

Tony Rizzo, writer for the acclaimed Star, just recognized, acknowledged, and set apart Jocelyn's 12 week fetus as a separate individual!  Alora was charged with not just one murder, but two!  When she participated in the taking of one life, she most decidedly took the life of another as well!  

The thing is, that the Kansas City Star for years has been and is still a voice and champion for abortion.  They ripped into Phil Kline when he sought to investigate abortionists like George Tiller, they bemoan the closing of abortion mills, and constantly treat the murder of the preborn as simply a woman's right to be protected.

And they call the second victim in this case, "her unborn child"? 

 You can't have it both ways!  You can't call it a baby when you want it and a fetus when you don't!  You can't make an appointment with an OB when a baby fits into your plans and the abortion mill when a baby doesn't!  What madness!  It takes hypocrisy to a whole new level!  

And the same goes for the journalists and news companies!  You can't write in sympathy for a victim and/or use your words to place moral judgement on someone's actions when covering a major story just because the victim was wanted and then publicly advocate for the mass murder of those same victims when they are not wanted!  Well, you can, but it is ludicrous!

And that is exactly what the Kansas City Star has done! 

But it is not just the media whose inconsistency is glaring.  Consider the justice system:

The hypocrisy in the Justice System:


Some 38 states have fetal homicide laws, including the state of Kansas.

In Kansas they charged Mendoza with a double homicide--the killing of a mother and her child.  Two murders, because there were two humans slain.  

But if Jocelyn Ybarra had walked into Planned Parenthood with that same baby at the exact same gestational age, and hired Ronald Yeomans or Orrin Moore (KC Area abortionists) to crush the baby to death, there would have been no murder charge.  

Why?  Because abortion has been made legal in this Nation by color of law!  The justice system has been wickedly perverted.  

There is only one little word that makes the difference in these two scenarios and that is the word wanted.  In my State, as in many other States, a child is only considered worthy of value to be protected or to seek justice for, if they are wanted! 

But does wantedness determine humanity?

If being wanted is what really makes you human (and this is what the justice system has arbitrarily set) then you can not blame Hitler for killing the Jews!  Hitler did not want the Jews.

Of course the Jews were people--but they were conveniently ruled to be "not fully human" by a justice system that wanted to do wrong.  And everyone knows that that what was done to them was evil.

Every person is created in the image of God.  And that starts at the moment of conception.  We must raise our voices and demand equal protection from murder for ALL humans! 

Humans are human, whether you want them alive or not.

Human beings do not become less human when you want them dead.

The mother's womb should never become the ghetto and gas chamber for the holocaust of the least among us.

Hypocrisy is rife:

In our press, 
in our courts, 
in our streets,

and in our hearts?

We as a society NEED to repent!

Abortion MUST be abolished.

1 comment:

  1. Yes indeed,"Hypocrisy"
    Romans 1:29–31 (ESV): They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
