
Sunday, March 25, 2018

It Is Loving to Prosecute Murder

Question: After abortion becomes abolished as homicide, should women who still choose to hire someone to abort their children face any type of punishment?

Many Christian and Prolife leaders have protested that this would not be loving.

Many well-intentioned Christians would say that to make the mother prosecutable for the abortion of her son or daughter would be UNLOVING

However, it is the LOVE of Christ which constrains me to share the following. Please hang on with me as you read, for the truth's sake.  Here goes.

It will always be the most loving to treat murder as what it is—therefore, the abortionist and the mother who is are pursuing the murder of an innocent child should be prosecuted.  
One reason that empathy falls too heavy on the side of the mother for even those who seek justice for the preborn is largely due to women being broadly painted (by the prolife movement) as one of the victims in the abortion act.  But the fact is, no matter how they have be deceived, they know full well what they are doing.  Standing at the gates of death, I have seen and heard countless women who unashamedly shout that it is their right to kill their baby!  They laugh and mock what I am doing and tell me that I should do something worthwhile, like, save a tree.  They curse at me and my wife and children.  They rationalize their premeditated murder away and boast that it is "legal", which makes it "okay".  

Now abortion WILL brutalize the mother.  It will bring spiritual, emotional, and physical consequences—just as it does to all who murder—but especially to the abortive women, since the victim is her own child.  The mother who murders her baby in the womb may do so in a desperate situation, and MAY do so believing a lie.  But for the sake of God's word and true mercy on the baby that has been abused to death by the signed consent of his/her mother, we must treat the mother (in a desperate situation) who murders her baby at 3 months gestation no differently than the mother (in a desperate situation) who murders her 3 year old.

AGAIN will I state it.

If we do not treat it as such, we are hypocrites, guilty of having "respect of persons", and are perverting justice and equity (James 2:4,8-9).

If we will not truly treat abortion as murder, we are not only acting treacherously against our God and neighbor (thus breaking the first and second greatest commandments: Matthew 22:37-40), but we are also communicating to the ungodly that we don't really think it is the same as murder, and further entrenches the abomination of child sacrifice AS JUSTIFIED in our society.  That is UNLOVING to the lost all about us.  We undermine our position, and they see our inconsistency.

We Christians need to repent of our apathy, our compromise, and our inconsistency with God's law and grace.

We must agree with true justice and equity based in the Scripture, and protect the innocent and punish the evildoer.  

We need to cry mightily unto God, as the king of Nineveh decreed (Jonah 3:8-9), that God may have mercy on our nation.  If we stand for some lives and not for others, we become human rights hypocrites, failing to love our neighbor.


IT IS LOVING to the real victims, the children in danger of destruction, showing care and respect to the value of their lives.
IT IS LOVING to the millions already slain, vindicating their humanity and worth as image-bearers of their Creator.
IT IS LOVING to other preborn children, who will not be murdered because their parents do not want to be punished as murderers.  It will be unfeigned love, for it will give them equal protection under the law.
IT IS LOVING to parents, who will not murder their babies now that it is a punishable offense, thus sparing them becoming guilty of their children's slaughter.
IT IS LOVING to the mother, already guilty of murder herself, giving her swift opportunity to face up to what she has done, repent of it, and find salvation and healing in Christ Jesus alone, thus removing YEARS of guilt, cover up, justification, and hardening, and if unrepentant rejecting Christ, eternal torment.  Also the father, if he was pursuing that murder as well.
IT IS LOVING to families being pressured by angry relatives to abort, giving them the ability to say, "You're telling me to commit a felony?  To MURDER?"  Thus giving the legal clout to stand their ground.
IT IS LOVING to the abortionists who will stop aborting because it is a punishable offense, bringing before their conscience the seriousness of their violence before the court of the Lord, showing them the depth of their sin, that he or she may personally face up to what they did, to repent, crying to God for mercy, and trusting in Jesus alone to save them from their sin, including their blood guiltiness.  It gives them more impetus to "cease to do evil, Learn to do well" (Isaiah 1:16-17). 
IT IS LOVING to those in the medical profession or medical schools who may be tempted to seek that line of murderous occupation and will now be turned away by the knowledge of punishment they will be spared the guilt of murder on their conscience and record (Proverbs 19:25).
IT IS LOVING to the abortionist who refuses to stop killing, for punishing him will stop him from adding to his "kill count", and thus his blood guiltiness before God.  It will remove any rationale of being a "hero of women" or being viewed as "a pillar in the community".  It can show him his sin in all its ramifications, and can humble him and bring him to the only place where he can find cleansing for his mass murders--at the foot of the cross, by the shed blood of the Lamb.
IT IS LOVING to the other employees at the murder mills who will forsake it or not apply to work there because they don't wish to be punished as partakers of murder so that they may forsake the foolish and live, repenting of their involvement and be saved.
IT IS LOVING to our society at large, bringing the perceived value of all life back to the place where it belongs.  Is it any surprise that people today are murdering fellow students, fellow employees, neighbors, family members, friends, enemies, and strangers, when we will countenance the murder of the MOST vulnerable and the MOST innocent?
IT IS LOVING to the victims of rape, under aged and incestual molestation, and human trafficking, whose attackers, oppressors, and "owners" are escaping the evidence of their wickedness by pressuring or forcing to have the baby killed, covering up their crimes, and therefore presently being able to continue oppressing this victim and others.
IT IS LOVING to the neighborhoods, communities, states, and this nation, in the midst of whom, innocent blood has been shed, to resolve that guilt and satisfy the demand of justice (see the example of the an unsolved murder in Deuteronomy 21:1-9), turning away impending judgment.  It is a humbling and acknowledgement of the evil we are guilty of, and, as some have said, "giving God a reason to show mercy", rather than arrogantly and proudly denying our bloody crime in the face of judgment.  It is "standing in the gap", repairing the breach, that God would not destroy us as we deserve (Ezekiel 22:30, but really the entire chapter). 
IT IS LOVING to our Creator, the Maker of heaven and earth, "The Power that hath made and preserved us a nation" thus far, the Giver of Life and Life Everlasting, the One Who has granted inalienable rights in the first place, that we would be acknowledging His truth, recognizing and turning away from our perversion of justice and the slaughter of those made in His image.
IT IS LOVING to our nation to remember that if our cause is NOT just, we will not CONQUER, or we will CONQUER in vain.  We must turn our hearts to turn the course of this people.  Let us who fear God, in returning the laws from targeting millions of our citizens to be massacred, instead to reflect liberty and justice for all, truly trusting God for the results, and do what is right. 

If we as Christians do not consistently obey and speak the truth in our society, as salt and light, if we are recreant to our responsibility, how can we expect our society to return to right and justice?  If we refuse to speak the truth, we expose our lack of love to all these.  We become manifest as hypocrites.

From a child, I have loved the Star Spangled Banner, our national anthem.  I love the words, the music, and the history behind it.  My favorite verse being the final one:

"And thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation
Blest with vic'try and peace, may the Heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust'
And the star spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave."

That we may not vainly say, "In God we trust" when we do not follow His commands.  
Jesus said, "And why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46).

"Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good."(Romans 12:9).  "Love without dissimulation" means that we are not just pretending to love, feigning that we care, but actually loving with sincerity, with a pure heart fervently (I Peter 1:22).

We MUST show love without dissimulation.

Abortion MUST be abolished.

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